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By October 28, 2015Uncategorized

Our Souls at Night, Kent Haruf’s final novel is wonderful, beautiful.  I am now reading We are Not Ourselves, by Matthew Thomas.  This is a much denser novel, an Irish family saga, and very good.  Wow.  Two novels in a row without a crime.  I am starting to feel the need for another of Joseph Finder’s thrillers …

Bernie Sanders, stop yelling at me.

Ruby was spayed two weeks ago and after a couple of uncomfortable days, is back to her feisty, ragamuffin self.

Bernie Sanders, stop yelling at me.

The NYTimes noted recently in their “Arts, Briefly,” that the Oregon Shakespeare Festival has enlisted 36 playwrights to translate Shakespeare into modern English.  Oh, come on. This seems insane to me.  This has to be the craziest theatre project ever.  They’re going to take the beauty out of Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter.  What’s next?  Maybe 36 poets to translate Shakespeare’s sonnets into modern English.

Bernie Sanders, stop yelling at me.

Hose, stockings, pantyhose, socks, knee highs, all gone.  Women are bare-legged now, no matter the weather, the cold.  Everyone except me and very few others.  I see women passing me on the street on their way to the synagogue a few doors down from my building.  Bare legged.  Bare legged in the synagogue for the High Holy Days?  Just saying …

The New York Board of Health, our gutless politicians, including our unpopular mayor caved in on a significant health issue: a controversial circumcision ritual that is practiced by the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, all because the ultra-Orthodox vote in one block, on order from their leaders.  For shame.

Bernie Sanders, stop yelling at me.  You are a one-trick pony.  There’s something condescending about what you say and how you say it. Am I the only one who sees it?  I don’t understand how you’ve come this far.  On the other hand, when I look at the Republican presidential hopefuls it’s hopeless.

I support Hillary 100%.