It is 1675. New York is now a thriving city of some three thousand souls. The newly cobblestoned streets bustle with commerce. And Pieter Tonneman, former sheriff of the island, is enjoying life as husband, father, and businessman — until the governor’s prized stallion is found slaughtered in its stall. A bloody message is left on a church lectern. And a heifer is discovered with its throat slit. Suddenly, New York is alive with rumors of devil worship and witchcraft, and of a dark conspiracy among the Jews. As terror fills the air, the Dutchman finds himself compelled back to duty. And when the killer trades horseflesh for human flesh, Tonneman knows only two things: a murderer is on the loose in New York, and no one is more at risk than the woman he loves.
“Authentic flavors, sights and sounds of late-17th century New York permeate this fourth volume in the series chronicling the lives of the Tonneman family, beginning with The Dutchman.”
—Publishers Weekly
“The husband-and-wife team of Martin and Annette Meyers continues to vitalize a colorful and energetic urban colonial setting.”
—Library Journal
“Annette and Martin Meyers team up once again to write another fine historical mystery.”
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